Clements Equine

Paddock Management Services

Paddock Management Services


We are able to complete and advise on a number of different services ensuring that the maximum benefit is obtained from your pasture. We have a large client base of both small yards to large studs, and references are available on request. A few of the services we provide are listed. We also use grass wheels so as not to damage pasture. We are happy to make a free initial site visit and quotation to discuss requirements and make recommendations, and are also happy to complete smaller or one off jobs. Please get in touch for further information.

  • Spraying – quad bike or tractor depending on size of paddock
  • Tined weeding & seeding
  • Aerating and root separating
  • Slot seeding, inserting a mix of seed and cutting root systems of existing grass to help with growth and to maintain an even covering
  • Fertilizer spreading/ top dressing, either quad bike or tractor depending on size of paddock
  • Paddock mowing & strimming
  • Rolling, either flat roll or Cambridge
  • Cultivation of paddocks completely renewing old and worn out grass
  • Sectional fence replacement and gate post replacement
  • Hay and haylage preparation and baling
  • Topping
  • Sub soiling areas that hold water especially tracks that have been used as walkways over winter periods, to help dissipate water